Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Saying Goodbye to the Outback

For as long as I can remember, I have worked two jobs. Not just two jobs, but for awhile I worked two jobs AND went to school full-time. I realize that I am to blame for being in so much debt and having to do this to myself, but I think I am finally at a point in my life that I can take a break from a part-time job for a little bit. I have been really stressed out and taking it out on both Corey and the people that I work with at "Ed." I thought long and hard about what could possibly be causing these emotional outbursts, and realized that it all started when I started working at Outback. Corey and I sat down and went through our bills, and we decided that I should be okay with just "Ed." Things will be a little tight on my end, but I hope by helping out more around the apartment and just being in a much better mood, it will make up for being short on cash.
I was a little hesitant about letting my boss know on such short notice that I would be quitting (in only one week), but he was super awesome about it and told me that he would he would keep on as an employee. He said that rather than actually putting me on the schedule, I could just pick up shifts whenever I needed some extra cash or got bored. This was the most excited news! I have to admit, I was still a little scared about quitting because I'm still not sure if this whole "one-job" thing would actually work out. Now I can at least give it a test run and not have to worry about finding another job. I mean, I do like working there....I just have way too much on my plate right now. That totally made my day. Now I have one less thing to worry about.

On a side note....I start my cake decorating class tomorrow night. Well, it is only a one hour orientation, but it is finally starting. I have been waiting on taking this class for about a year now, and I am so excited about it. I love to bake and I think this will be a nice way to focus on something fun for myself and hopefully relieve some stress.
Once I start the class, I will definitely post up some pictures. I'm sure people might think it is a little weird for me to bring a camera to class, but I want pictures of my creations (good or bad).
Maybe one day I can open my own bakery and make wedding cakes all day long. A girl can have a dream, can't she?

Monday, September 22, 2008

ME, A Photographer?! No Way!

Last night, after leaving the skatepark early, Corey asked if I would take some pictures of him. Normally, I am pretty hesitant, mostly because I just suck at photography. I knew Corey wasn't in the best of moods, so I decided I would give it another try. He has shown me many times how to use his camera, but my attention span just cannot handle all the detailed instructions. He kept it pretty simple this time, and surprisingly, I did rather well. Obviously I'm still no pro, but this is waaaaaay better than the past times that I have tried to use his camera.

I just had to post this one because of the look on Corey's face

He calls this his "blowfish." It's my favorite

Monday, September 15, 2008

Cupcakes and 2 Year Olds

This weekend was full of wild kiddies, great food, and crazy fun! Both Garrett and Brodie turned 2 this month and just so happened to have their birthday parties on the same weekend.

Cupcakes were a HUGE hit at Garrett's party

Phoenix was super proud of his Cupcake M-stache...

...and Anna modeled her lovely "vanilla icing" lip gloss

Of course, EVERYONE pitched in and helped Garrett tear into his gifts