Friday, January 30, 2009


Last year Corey and I made a trip to NC to go snowboarding with our friends. After we got there, things ended up getting a little out of control. We ended up staying up the entire night, getting about an hour of sleep on a hard, motel floor only to wake up to a nasty, rainy day. Needless to say, I didn't get to go snowboarding that day...or at all last year.  Corey was able to go one other time after that, but I must have been working or something.
This year Corey and I decided to take a day trip to Ski Beech. We ended up going on a Thursday, so I got to ski for FREE!  This is also the first time that we actually got any pictures of me out on the slopes. I never took my camera in the past because I had too much to worry about learning, and I was worried that I might break it.

I'm hiding the fact that I am deathly scared of Ski Lifts.

Once we got off the lift, we sat down to get strapped into our boards and just watched as other people either gracefully got off the lift or stumbled like I did many times.

Cruisin (slowly) down the mountain

Here's an idea of just how slow I was

I like to sit down a lot

We finally got a much needed break. And Beech has BEER!

After the "intermission" we only went down the mountain a couple more times before we were completely exhausted. This is probably the best time I have had in awhile. It was nice to get away even for just a day. We even made it back home at a fairly decent hour.


While Corey and I were watching my nephew one Saturday, we happened to make a trip to Walmart. Corey just couldn't resist taking Josh by the bicycles to see what he thought about them.  Josh definitely liked the bicycles. He rode around the entire toy department, then pitched a fit when it was time to go. We decided that since he enjoyed it so much, as does Corey, we would get him that bicycle for Christmas.  We did just that. Since we ended up being quarantined to our apartment for Christmas (we were horribly sick), we had him come stay with us a couple weekends later.  It was rainy and nasty outside, so we took him to a parking garage and let him loose.

If you can't tell by the ginormous smile on his face, he was really excited about his new bicycle.

He thought he was too fast for Corey.

He fell down a few times, but got right back up every time.

Josh LOVES trains. As soon as he heard one, he made Corey park the bikes together and then had to watch it go by.

I got 2 Thumbs Up from the guys. It was a nice afternoon.


Since this was our first Christmas together (living together), Corey decided to do a holiday photo shoot.

This is our little family.

Capone decided to do a little dance for us.

He always knows how to make me smile.

Corey designed our tree and taped it to the wall. It looked super awesome once we got the lights on it.