Friday, January 30, 2009


Last year Corey and I made a trip to NC to go snowboarding with our friends. After we got there, things ended up getting a little out of control. We ended up staying up the entire night, getting about an hour of sleep on a hard, motel floor only to wake up to a nasty, rainy day. Needless to say, I didn't get to go snowboarding that day...or at all last year.  Corey was able to go one other time after that, but I must have been working or something.
This year Corey and I decided to take a day trip to Ski Beech. We ended up going on a Thursday, so I got to ski for FREE!  This is also the first time that we actually got any pictures of me out on the slopes. I never took my camera in the past because I had too much to worry about learning, and I was worried that I might break it.

I'm hiding the fact that I am deathly scared of Ski Lifts.

Once we got off the lift, we sat down to get strapped into our boards and just watched as other people either gracefully got off the lift or stumbled like I did many times.

Cruisin (slowly) down the mountain

Here's an idea of just how slow I was

I like to sit down a lot

We finally got a much needed break. And Beech has BEER!

After the "intermission" we only went down the mountain a couple more times before we were completely exhausted. This is probably the best time I have had in awhile. It was nice to get away even for just a day. We even made it back home at a fairly decent hour.


Unknown said...

You keep doin what makes you happy.
I'll just remember when I was young.

micasue said...

I wanna go. I wanna go!

you guys look so cute! when are we gonna go to sephora? s and I went there, but i didn't get anything good. must go back soon.

Shauna said...

yeah...we were supposed to go with you that one day, but Corey went to the park instead of waiting. i was so sad because i just sat around the apt.